
Our Helpline Advisors deal with thousands of enquiries every year. The team includes our in-house Clinical experts who can help with more complex questions.

Call our Helpline

If you are looking for help, advice or information, call our Helpline on 01322 619898. They can advise on your nearest NHS allergy clinic or consultant.

Alternatively, you can email your enquiry to or use the web chat service to talk directly to one of our advisors.

Due to safeguarding concerns, Allergy UK is no longer accepting photographs of people. Please refrain from sending photographs of people (including body parts) to any of the above contact methods.

Our Helpline Advisors can also refer enquiries to members of our  Health Advisory Board, which includes internationally recognised experts in the fields of allergy and immunology.

If you are experiencing a serious reaction or anaphylaxis, call 999 immediately.

Support our Patient Charter

We’re calling for patients, friends and family of patients, clinicians, and policy makers to lend their voices and support for this Patient Charter call and help us campaign for change.

Pledge your support to back our campaign to introduce an allergy nurse and dietitian as part of the services offered within GP practices.

Pledge your Support

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It is important to Allergy UK that we can engage with all people that are affected by allergic disease

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