Let’s put skin in the game
Allergy UK has lent its support for Sanofi's Patient Charter for people living with atopic eczema.
Produced in collaboration with National Eczema society, Eczema Outreach Support, British Skin Foundation, and Allergy UK. The launch event on 6th July, raised awareness about the problems and needs of people living with this condition, as well as showcasing Sanofi’s commitment to improving patient care and quality of life for those living with atopic dermatitis.
The gathering began with an introduction from Andrew Proctor the Chief Executive of the National Eczema Society. He spoke passionately about the importance of increased awareness and support for people with atopic eczema as well as the physical and psychological impact it can have on their life.
Guests then had the opportunity to watch a very moving short clip on the lived experience of Andrew Collinson. Andrew has had atopic eczema since he was a child, last January he suffered a flare up. He detailed his experiencing with during his flare up to which he described as worst he’s ever had in his life. The moving film gave a candid insight into what it’s like to live with atopic eczema and how it affects daily actions most people take for granted. Andrew’s heartfelt account, highlighted the importance of access to adequate healthcare, specialised treatments, and educational resource and the importance of considering its unique needs.
Sanofi’s Patient Charter developed by Sanofi recognises and reflects these lived experiences with calls for needs to be addressed holistically and the importance of access to specialist clinical advice, tailored treatments and educational resources. Allergy UK will lend the voice and experiences of our allergic community to Sanofi’s discussions with key stakeholders to foster the necessary change in approach for those living with allergic skin conditions.