NHS England to offer life-changing drug to children with peanut allergy
Allergy UK, the leading national charity working for people living with all kinds of allergic disease, welcomes this major step forward in improving the lives of families with children living with peanut allergy.
Commenting on Palforzia the charity’s Head of Clinical Services at Allergy UK said: “We know very well the anxiety and fear experienced by the parents of children with peanut allergy – a constant and sometimes overwhelming fear that their child could have a reaction that could be fatal. The rollout of Palforzia through the NHS is truly wonderful news and we warmly acknowledge the work and commitment that has gone into the research and development of this pioneering treatment. Its potential impact on the quality of life of both parents and their children will be very significant indeed. This marks wonderful news that this new treatment will be made available to those who fit the criteria for its use, within the NHS”.