Allergy In Statistics
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Allergy and related conditions are estimated to cost the NHS about £1 billion a year.
Key facts and figures
- Allergy and related conditions are estimated to cost the UK NHS about £1 billion a year.
- The percentage of children diagnosed with allergic rhinitis and eczema have both trebled over the last 30 years.
- Over 200,000 people require the prescription of emergency adrenaline due to their allergic condition.
- Allergic rhinitis affects 29% of people in the UK.
- The prevalence of cow’s milk allergy in children living in the developed world is approximately 2% to 3%, making it the most common cause of food allergy in the paediatric population.
- Around 10 people each year die in England and Wales as a result of having a food allergy.
Living with a food allergy
Allergy UK survey, 2023
- 63% of parents caring for a child with a food allergy worry about the financial cost of their child living with this condition.
- 66% of participants report that their food allergy has impacted their mental health.
- 59% of participants have faced challenges with accessing the proper diagnosis or care for their food allergy/allergies.
- 97% of them worry about allergic reactions when not in control of food preparation.
Allergy Perceptions
Allergy UK survey, 2021
- 61% would like government to do more to help people with allergies.
- 65% of parents would like to see specialist allergy nurses in GP surgeries.
- 72% of parents feel that sometimes their children’s allergies are not taken seriously.
- 65% say their child has felt discriminated against in a restaurant, because there was nothing they could safely eat.
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