Allergy UK calls for a national allergy register to consolidate patient data

As we witness a change in government, Allergy UK is encouraged to see that one of the key areas within Labour’s manifesto which the new government appears to already be addressing is its commitments on improving healthcare provision. We believe the government’s vision of reforming primary care presents opportunities for the allergic community to be better served. Indeed, a reform of services delivered at primary care is the bedrock of the principal policy call that featured within our Election Manifesto: to introduce at least one specialist allergy nurse and dietitian within each UK ICS or equivalent. This call follows a research trial of this model to evidence if it would improve patient outcomes, and free up much needed GP time, shorten secondary care waiting lists and potentially help to address exacerbations of other health issues such as asthma and eczema too. 

Indeed, 87% of GPs in the trial confirmed the service improved the treatment pathway for patients with food allergies. The same percentage advocated for integrating a paediatric specialist allergy dietitian into primary care settings. Additionally, 91% of GPs involved believed there is a need for primary care dietitians. Furthermore, 87% agreed it improved timelines, while 83% were very satisfied with the accuracy of treatment provided in the clinic. 

The reality is we have a healthcare system that is failing to adequately support the 21 million people affected by allergies in the UK, a number that continues to rise alarmingly and which projections suggest will become 1 in 2 people living with allergy by 2026, rather than 1 in 3. 

Our second call is to establish a national allergy register to consolidate patient data nationwide. An allergy database would create a unified understanding of allergy prevalence, the healthcare service provision required and understand how allergies can be managed within the primary care reformation that is underway. As we move forward, Allergy UK is committed to working closely with the new government to ensure these reforms are implemented. By integrating our proposed measures into the broader healthcare agenda, we can significantly improve the quality of life for millions of people living with allergies. If you would like to add your voice and patient management experience to help us reinforce our case for improved allergy service provision within primary care, please do get in touch