Why donate to Allergy UK?
Every day our Helpline advisors take calls from people whose lives are being impacted by allergy. They need advice and support, and we are here for them, with our clinical team ready to provide the information they need.
Our free services, such as our allergy alerts, which helps to keep people with food allergy safe, our factsheets and resources which provide information and guidance on all kinds of allergy and our unique Dietitians Service which helps anxious families of children with symptoms of food allergy are just some of the ways we help….and we want to do so much more.
Your donation can make a difference.
Listening to my panicked rantings and putting my mind at ease – I’ll never forget that. It was ‘just’ cow’s milk protein allergy, but my world was in a mess and I thought I didn’t know how to care for my child.