Because dust mites can make Ryan very poorly a holiday means a lot of packing, preparation and emails to hotels. Often we prefer to go to my parents abroad where they can accommodate us but we still need to take food.
Flying to places means we need a consultant letter for airport security and extra time to check in our hand luggage.
Ryan found it very hard when we went to Italy on holiday because he wanted to try delicious pizza and restaurants but they could not accommodate us.
We usually spend good time of our trip reading ingredients and asking.
In general as a mother I am always thinking what if, and ending up worrying a lot. I try to make it look normal but food shopping or traveling or birthday parties are the most stressful moments in my life.
We usually shop from Tesco and we take the kids with us but it is always a battle because we have to say no to “may contain” items and look for alternatives.
However in the UK, we find that the number of allergy free places is increasing as is the awareness, especially within the last 3 years.
I keep reminding Ryan that there are more complicated cases than him so we should be grateful for what we have. Ryan wish/ dream is to grow out of allergies and be able to go to shop and choose any sandwich and milkshake!!!!